transmissions from the deep darkness
A story woven from the very fabric of radio
You can hear me. I know you can. I need your help.
This mysterious voice is picked up by a radio ham (Ian McDiarmid) – it's the voice of a girl (Joy McAvoy) trapped in an abandoned amusement park called Akiha Den Den.
Drawn ever deeper into her turbulent world he realises there's a whole community there – drifters, mavericks, revellers trapped in the death throes of an adventure - whose words and music become woven into a mesmerising plea for help.
Listen very carefully – because it's you they're trying to contact.
A unique audio drama podcast series - radio drama meets audio art meets waking dream.
21st Century Radiophonica at its very best/a seamless adventure in spot on sound-design that will keep you returning for repeat listens.
Electronic Sound Magazine